Meet Austen Neil
Austen Neil graduated with BSc Nutrition and Food Science '16 at University of Alberta. She has also earned a Diploma of Culinary Arts '06 PICA and a Diploma of Pastry Arts '06 PICA. She currently works as a New Product Development Manager with SimplyProtein. In her spare time Austen likes to model, hike, ski, hangout with friends and cook.
New Product Development Manager, SimplyProtein
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science, University of Alberta
When did your love of STEM begin?
Any science subject was always my favorite in school, it just made more sense to me. My Dad is a physician and he always brought some interesting science discussions to the dinner table. My mom taught the Foods class in my high school and when I graduated I decided I wanted to be a chef. It was a great experience but then decided I enjoyed the science side of cooking so I decided to go get my degree and I think I turned out as this cool combination of both of my parents.
What did you love most about study in your field of STEM?
The best part of working in STEM is that it is constantly changing and evolving. There is always something new and fascinating to learn. Within the food product development side I believe that it is the perfect balance of creativity and science. There is so much more creativity involved in STEM than I think people realize. You will never get bored and people will always need to eat so you will always have a job.
What advice would you give to young women considering a career in STEM?
There are so many facets of STEM so think about what your interests are and realize that there is probably a job out there that can combine those. You will never be bored in STEM. Every day of my job is different and you build so many different skills working in STEM, from problem solving to working with agility. Believe in your abilities.
“This is when I was 8 years old, back when cooking and baking with Mom
and Nana was my favourite thing to do! I don’t think my younger self would
have believed I could and would work in science doing exactly what I loved!”
Austen Neil