Meet Shana Alexander
Shana Alexander is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Specialization in Biochemical and Enviromental Engineering degree from Western University. She is currently a DuPont Chemical and Engieering Support Intern. In her free time, Shana is an athlete on the Women’s Varsity Hockey team at Western. She also enjoys hiking, music, and travelling.
PhD Candidate, Molecular Engineering in the Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Toronto
Bachelor of Engineering Science, Chemical Engineering, Western University
When did your love of STEM begin?
In high school I really became interested in chemistry and biology. I would look forward to when it was that time of the day to go to both of those classes. I lived in a very small town so I had the same teacher for science courses as I did for math. One day my teacher and I were talking and I was telling her I wasn't sure what I wanted to take in university yet. I remember her looking at me and saying that I should be an Engineer. She said it is a very hard but rewarding program and she thought I would thrive in an environment like that where I am always being challenged. I followed her directions and in a year from now I will have my engineering ring.
What did you love most about study in your field of STEM?
The best part about being in STEM is that technology is always changing and we have to stay up to date in order to stay relevant. I like that there are always new inventions being made and we get to test new ideas every day. It is very fast paced and that keeps things exciting.
What advice would you give to young women considering a career in STEM?
Go for it, it's as simple as that. We have to work for everything we do in life and if you want to be at the forefront of innovation, STEM is a great place to start.
“This is me playing for my first competitive hockey team”
Shana Alexander