Meet Katherine Peretick


Katherine Peretick earned her Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and her Master of Science in Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, at the University of Michigan. She is currently Director of Engineering, NRStor Inc. In her spare time, she likes to cycle, run, and row, bake cakes and bread, read about sicence and nature, and explore new cities.

When did your love of STEM begin?

As early as I can remember. My dad is a mechanical engineer (wonder where I got it from!) and I would ask him incessantly how things work - from lawnmowers to airplanes to batteries. I always wanted to help when he was fixing the car or something broken around the house, and would hand him tools and try to do it myself. You know how people say "I was born an artist" or "she's always been a natural musician"? That's me, but as an engineer! Thank goodness I had parents and teachers growing up who believed a girl could be an engineer and encouraged me to do it.

What did you love most about study in your field of STEM?

Being able to make real things that make the world a better place. STEM is where the real change, advancements, and breakthroughs take place! I get to go to my job every day knowing that I'm revolutionizing our energy landscape and making our earth more sustainable. There's unlimited opportunity, innumerable doors to open, and real excitement.

What advice would you give to young women considering a career in STEM?

Just do it! The only thing holding you back is yourself. Let's start a STEM girls revolution!


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