Meet Natalie Wainwright

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Natalie Wainwright graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Queen’s University in 2017, as well as a MD or Doctor of Medicine from McMaster University in 2019. She currently works as an Anesthesiology Resident at the University of Toronto. In her spare time, Natalie likes trying new restaurants with friends, hiking, snowboarding, exercising, and reading.

When did your love of STEM begin?

My love of STEM began at an early age! My inspiration came from my mom, who was one of the only women in her graduating class in Computer Science at her university. She promoted a love of math and science within me and encouraged me to pursue my passion and begin my career in Medicine.

What is the best part about working in the field of STEM?

I love my job for so many reasons. I have the opportunity to be there for people in the worst moments of their lives and bring them safety and peace. I have to think on my feet to treat life-threatening emergencies within minutes, utilizing a wide knowledge base in physiology and pharmacology as well as hands-on technical skills. I am constantly problem-solving and optimizing my patients' care to ensure the best possible lifelong outcomes.

What advice would you give young women interested in a career in STEM?

Go for it! The training may be intense and the hours may be long, but the lifetime payoff of having an engaging, rewarding career is worth it. Keep an open mind because there are so many options available to you. If you're thinking about healthcare, look into careers in Medicine, Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Physician Assistant (not the same as an Admin Assistant - read about this one!!), Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Speech-Language Pathology, and more!


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