Meet Stephanie Shaw


Stephanie Shaw earned her Bachelor of Engineering degree in Materials Science at McMaster University, and her Masters of Applied Science in Environmental Engineering at the University of Guelph. She is currently pursuing her Ph. D. in Environmental Engineering at the University of Guelph. In her spare time, she’s figuring out how to be a new mom, hiking, camping, reading, biking, snowboarding, painting, travelling, cooking, baking, doing anything else outdoors, in nature, or arts-and-crafts-y, and trying to figure out 'what she want to be when she grow up'.

When did your love of STEM begin?

High school - I really enjoyed all the science and math course I took. It was really interesting to begin to learn how and why things are they way they are...whether through starting to understand genetics, velocity and relative motion (yes, including calculus), the pH of different foods, or all sparked my interest.

What did you love most about study in your field of STEM?

The opportunities are endless! No matter what field you choose there are always different opportunities available to you as your interests change and grow. For example, I have been fortunate enough to return to school after working in the engineering industry for a few years. My work experience helped me shape and define my interests so that I could understand what I wanted to pursue for my Ph.D.

What advice would you give to young women considering a career in STEM?

Get out an experience all the different types of professions that you can while in high school. Use your volunteer hours at different places to test different STEM professions, go to conferences, take part camps, go visit colleges and universities and participate in STEM days! Any experience you can gain before heading to college or university is incredibly valuable...even if it's as simple as learning what you don't like!


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