Inspiring young women to pursue their passions in STEM

Our Mission

Our objective is to encourage girls and young women to pursue their interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). This is achieved by sharing the stories of incredible women in STEM, and connecting young girls with the resources and tools that can help them succeed.


Get Inspired

A STEM education can open a world of opportunities. From working with bats, to programming video games, to expanding our knowledge of space with theoretical physics; the possibilities are endless! See the different paths our Role Models have created by following their passion.

“Society often has a mistaken image of scientists, technologists, computer scientists, coders, engineers and mathematicians. STEM grads are as diverse as our overall population.”

—Linda Hasenfratz, Founder of See it Be it STEM it

Help us build a collection of role models who showcase the incredible opportunities available to the future leaders in STEM.