When did your love of STEM begin?
My love of STEM began from my dad as he was also an engineer. He he always used to do things around the house like fix broken things. I used to be his apprentice always sitting beside him and being his helper, this also sparked a great deal of accomplishment to me. And that's where my interest in STEM began.
What did you love most about study in your field of STEM?
Definitely it is very challenging but also very rewarding. I really do like solving problems because it feels very like you have achieved something. There are so many government subjects and so many courses I can think of that I have loved over the years. What I really enjoyed doing was a project towards the end of my program. I built a an exhaust color for a company called Blackbird and that was my first hands on job ever which was really cool to see a product come to life.
The best part about working in the field of STEM is that it never gets boring you always learning something new. There's always new technology coming out and you just keep learning and growing.
What advice would you give to young women considering a career in STEM?
Young women in STEM should pursue their interest because it is very rewarding. It is challenging but at the end of the day if this is something they're interested in doing they should continue with it. Just go for it. If this is what you heart desires. Go for it and bless the world with you ability.