Meet Sabrina
Sabrina earned her Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering from Ryerson University and Masters of Aerospace Engineering from the University of Toronto. She currently works as an Aircraft Economics Analyst in Maintenance Engineering at Bombardier Aerospace. In her spare time, she likes to she likes to read, exercise and explore more places, such as, cuisines and coffee shops in the GTA.
Aerospace Engineering at Ryerson University
Currently works at Bombardier Aerospace in a Maintenance Engineering Department
Currently pursing Masters in Aerospace Engineering part time at the University of Toronto
When did your love of STEM begin?
My love for STEM began in high school when I was in grade nine or ten when I was back home in Columbia. My teachers encouraged me and they actually challenged me a lot to go the extra mile in my math and physics homework and that’s how I learned that I love it. That was best subject in school; both physics and math, this encouraged me to go into engineering because it opens up the doors for so many other things and great opportunities.
What did you love most about study in your field of STEM?
I what I love about my work is that I get to work with so many companies and their own individual engineering teams from all. They are located all around the world, aerospace is global. I get to also work with airlines and their engineering teams from all over the world, which is a lot of fun. What people find surprising about my work is that it is customer facing. I have the opportunity to meet all of my customers, not just the ones that I work with on a daily basis. It’s fun to put a face to the name you know from speaking with on the phone or exchanging e-mails.
What advice would you give to young women considering a career in STEM?
Young women interested in STEM should pursue their interests because if they can see us they can't be us. So we need a lot more women in boardrooms, we need a lot more women in corporate and we need a lot more women in engineering. Just do it. There is nothing we cannot do that we set our minds to.
"There is nothing we cannot do that we set our minds to.”