Meet Samantha
Samantha earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology from Western University. She currently works as a Partner, Digital Studio Leader, at the Deloitte Digital division of Deloitte. In her spare time, she likes to paint, cook, and solve problems.
Bachelors in Biology from the University of Western Ontario
Currently a Partner, Digital Studio Leader, at the Digital division of Deloitte
When did your love of STEM begin?
Definitely when I was a kid I had a great biology teacher when I was in high school so I took my last year biology twice and went into university for biology switched over into tech after I started my working career. But I would say from a very young age I've just been sort of fascinated with the world around me and all the things that you can learn and the fact that it's always changing.
What did you love most about study in your field of STEM?
What I love most about studying STEM is that it's always changing. There's always new challenges new technology new things around the corner to learn about. So it's not so much about having maybe 30 years of experience in a field which is something that takes 30 years to get. It's about curiosity of learning which is awesome to me.
What advice would you give to young women considering a career in STEM?
I think young women interested in STEM should pursue their interests because it's a really interesting career path. I mean there's so many different fields and jobs that are available and when I think about where the world is going and where future jobs are going to be I think there's really at this opportunity in the space. And certainly for people that like a challenge it's a great space to work. The advice that I would give to future young women in STEM is to believe in yourself and to always be learning. I think we work in a field that is always changing and so having curiosity is something that will take you really far.
"I used to struggle with whether to go into science or to art, it seemed like they were very different paths.In my job, there's actually opportunities to of do both things together which is a lot of fun.”