Meet Chloe Robinson


Chloe Robinson graduated with a PhD in Molecular Biology from Swansea University. She currently works as a Postdoctoral Fellow & Project Manager, University of Guelph. In her spare time, Chloe likes to participate in zumba, wildlife photography, painting/drawing and graphic design.

When did your love of STEM begin?

My love for STEM began when I discovered Dr. Ingrid Visser. As a pre-teen, I found Ingrid through my obsession with killer whales (orca) and she has truly been a huge inspiration to me. Her dedication, hard work and passion in the face of adversity inspired me and also seeing a woman conducting groundbreaking research in a field dominated by men was what encouraged me to pursue my dreams of working in ecology.

What is the best part about working in the field of STEM?

The best part for me is having the flexibility to create and test my own ideas and be able to feel like I am making a difference for the environment with the work I do.

What advice would you give young women interested in a career in STEM?

1) Find yourself a role model; research them, read their papers/work and contact them if you can.

2) Set yourself small, achievable goals along the way of where you want to end up; this will help motivate you and help stave off any imposter syndrome.

3) Do what you love and if in doubt stay broad; finding what sets your soul on fire doesn’t happen overnight, so along the way keep your choices relatively broad so you can experience different concepts along the way.


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