Meet Emilie Leneveu


Emilie Leneveu graduated with her Biotechnology Advanced Diploma from Loyalist College. She’s currently pursuing her graduate certificate in Medicinal Cannabis Research & Analytics in the Cannabis Applied Sciences program at Loyalist College. She currently works as the VP of Marketing & Communications at the Youth Science Network.

When did your love of STEM begin?

My love for STEM began when I was very young, and participated in regional and national science fairs. The scientific method intrigued me from the start and has been a part of all my projects ever since, whether they be directly pertaining to STEM or not.

What did you love most about study in your field of STEM?

STEM is all around us making it, to me, the most interesting field of study. Understanding, education, and empowerment all go hand in hand.

What advice would you give to young women considering a career in STEM?

Face your fears and allow uncertainty to fuel your endeavours to empower those around you. Innovation includes failures along the way, but with a little time and determination, success shines through.


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