Meet Maxine Mheir-El-Saadi

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Maxine Mheir-El-Saadi is currently pursuing a Computer Engineering degree from the University of Waterloo. She currently works as a Software Engineer for Autodesk. In her spare time, Maxine likes to work-out, blog, bake and travel.

When did your love of STEM begin?

My dad is an electrical engineer, so when I was young, we would build electronic circuites together! That's when I started loving sciences and engineering.

What is the best part about working in the field of STEM?

The problems you get to solve! You get to tackle real-life and important problems.

What advice would you give young women interested in a career in STEM?

Do it! Exploring a STEM career can open so many doors you haven't even thought of. Also, don't be intimidated by others in the industry; do your thing and be yourself and it'll all work out!


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