Meet Taylor Kutra

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Taylor Kutra graduated with a Bachelor of Arts and Science degree in Astronomy from Quest University Canada in 2017. She is currently a PhD candidate in Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Toronto. In her free time, Taylor is an avid backpacker, climber, and paddler. Her ever-expanding collection of houseplants also brings her lots of joy.

When did your love of STEM begin?

Spending a lot of time outside during my childhood definitely made me think a lot about the world around me. By high school that curiousity turned into a passion for Biology, then Chemistry, and then I finally found Astronomy and Exoplanetary Science. There was never a specific moment of deciding to become a scientist. Instead I had a multitude of moments where I chose to do what made me feel happy and fulfilled and those choices always pointed towards science.

What is the best part about working in the field of STEM?

Things are always changing. Your job in science isn't to repeat the same thing for the rest of eternity, but rather to improve them. It keeps you motivated and makes you think that there will always be progress in every area of your life. The successes are incredibly rewarding because it is something that you and only you can do.

What advice would you give young women interested in a career in STEM?

While the successes are great there will be a far larger number of failures and that is entirely normal. Find the people that support you during those and keep them close. Also constantly remind yourself that you are worth far more than the work you are able to produce. Struggling with difficult tasks is important for growth but be careful to not let it diminish your self-worth. Again, find the people that remind you how important you are and do the same for them.


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