Meet Vishar Yaghoubian

Vishar Yaghoubian is currently pursing her Honours Bachelor of Arts or Science, Health Studies, Global Health, and Psychology, at the University of Toronto. She currently works part time as the CEO of a health care start up company. In her spare time, Vishar likes to play the violin, go on long bike rides, hike, go to the gym, journal and make 3D art!

When did your love of STEM begin?

My love for STEM began when I was in grade six. I absolutely loved science so I started to build things like a whole solar system just for my room. In grade 9, I started to tutor science and math to kids my age and younger because I was so passionate about the subjects. The more I learned about the subjects, the more I wanted to use them in real-life applications. Once I was 18 and had enough resources, I started to develop my own company to build a revolutionary product that requires expertise from Chemists, Chemical Engineers, Dentists, and more!

What is the best part about working in the field of STEM?

The best part about working in the field of STEM is knowing that there is no end. No matter what, there will always be new innovations and amazing new minds to work with. I absolutely love this concept. There is no end, but rather endless innovations and goals on how to make the world a better place. This concept makes me want to continue working in STEM, because even if I am stuck, or the world says no, there will always be a new brilliant way to turn those no's into yes's. For me, the endless opportunities is the best part of working in the field of STEM.

What advice would you give young women interested in a career in STEM?

My number one advice to give young women in a STEM career would be to first understand what you are truly passionate about and never give up. As cheesy as that sounds, the world will always find new ways to reject ideas through politics, laws, social constructions, etc. So it is SO important to constantly remind yourselves of why you are doing what you are doing. What is your purpose? Learn it, stick to it, and do not let anyone take it away from you because there will always be a way to achieve your purpose if you are passionate about it and understand the circumstances around you.


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