Meet Paige Bissonnette

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Paige Bissonnette graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a Specialization in Conservation Biology from Trent University in 2017. She is currently completing her Masters in Biological Sciences at the University of Manitoba. In her free time, Paige enojoys hiking, reading and watching Netflix

When did your love of STEM begin?

A science communication event in my fourth grade science class kick-started my love for polar bears and the environment. After I learned that species were at-risk due to a changing climate, I spent most of my time in the library checking out any books I could about polar bears, the Arctic and nature in general. I then set a goal to someday research polar bears.

What is the best part about working in the field of STEM?

Science is always changing! New discoveries are being made and novel techniques are constantly in development. This means we are always learning new things and we are constantly on our toes. Science is about thinking critically and being creative with your ideas and not being afraid to try new things.

What advice would you give young women interested in a career in STEM?

You are not your project, you are not the critiques you receive, you are not your failures, you are YOU. Follow your passion but allow yourself to disconnect from the project you are working on. Take advantage of opportunities to advance your career, but don't be afraid to say no. Taking care of yourself, building connections and doing what makes you happy will allow you to focus, clear your mind and be a better scientist.


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